“I, who have enormous difficulty keeping up with things” (Michel Leiris) Gasiorowski, Gérard Copyrightphoto: József Rosta
Meeting of Czech, Slovak and Hungarian artists (Tableau of László Beke's Handshaking Action) Beke, László
To the Streets with Your Message! I. (A Letter to My Friend in Paris) Hajas, Tibor Description(Photo by Júlia Veres)Copyrightfotó Veres Júlia, repró: Rosta József
Reversible and Interchangeable Phases of Motion No.4, No.6 Maurer, Dóra DescriptionReversible and Interchangeable Phases of Motion, No. 6 DescriptionReversible and Interchangeable Phases of Motion, No. 4
To The Streets With Your Message II. (Live Comics) Hajas, Tibor Description(Photo by Júlia Veres and Gábor Dobos)CopyrightFotó Veres Júlia, Dobos Gábor; Repró: Rosta József