Opening hours and ticket prices
Here you will find up-to-date information on regular opening hours and ticket prices.

Location, getting here
Take either a bike, a boat, the suburban railway, the tram or drive an electric car - Ludwig Museum is easy to reach by any means of public transportation!

MyLUMU interactive web application and virtual assistant
To make it easier to work through the exhibition at home, MyLUMU, a virtual assistant accessible from the exhibition spaces by QR code, is now available from the comfort of your home. Information material displayed alongside the artworks is complemented by extra content (videos, interviews, transcripts).

#Museum from Home Online content of the Ludwig Museum!
The Ludwig Museum has collected its online contents that bring the museum experience closer from the comfort of your home. Virtual exhibitions, interviews, concerts, exhibition short films and much more!

Ludwig Museum Shop
The shop offers the Ludwig Museum’s own publications about its collection and temporary exhibitions, as well as catalogues of previous exhibitions, art albums, monographs and art magazines.

Barrier-free museum
In the long run we strive for providing barrier-free access to our exhibitions for all those living with special needs.

Art & Wine Lover's Club
Contemporary art, exclusive guided tours accompanied by choice wines