Focus on Open Practices: The Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art has presented its annual programme
For many years, the museum has organised its annual exhibitions and activities around a theme that reflects the role of museums and contemporary art in the 21st century. In 2024, the links between contemporary art and other art forms and disciplines have been explored, and a strong emphasis has been placed on reaching out to disadvantaged communities. The 2025 exhibition programme has been designed with an unusual focus on diverse artistic practices rather than an overarching theme.
The exhibition Handle with Care won the AICA award.
We are proud to announce that our exhibition Handle with Care (curators: Rita Dabi-Farkas, Viktoria Popovics) won the award for BEST CURATORIAL PROJECT of 2023 by AICA Hungary.
Handle with CARE
The Ludwig Museum will present a new temporary exhibition exploring the theme of caring, and the diversity of the works on display will demonstrate that care is a key concept of our time with a critical potential that cannot be neglected.
The Esterházy Art Award 2021 prizes presented on 30th November
Rózsa Luca Sára, Tranker Kata és Ulbert Ádám az Esterházy Art Award 2021 díjazottjai. A díjat kétévente ítélik oda, az elismeréshez kapcsolódó kiállítás a fiatal magyar művészvilág legmértékadóbb áttekintésének minősül.
The First NFT Work in a Hungarian Museum Collection
It is the first time that a so-called NFT work has become part of a museum collection, a network piece by the BarabásiLab (a group of researchers and artists led by Albert-László Barabási).