LLRRLLRR : Stars, Dead Body and other Forms That Do Not Change (2019)

wood, LED lamps
Gift of the artist, 2022

The work was exhibited on the exhibition "Othernity - Reconditioning our Modern Heritage" in the Hungarian Pavilion at the Biennale Architettura 2023 in Venice. "To build with excess in size and form is inexplicable and useless today. It is to structures from the past that are monumental and have become devoid of meaning, that one can turn to in order to construct a grand gesture. The TIT Planetarium is such an example. To reveal the potential of the TIT Planetarium, one ought to forget its function, programme and political background. It should be viewed as built matter, formally grand and excessive in space. To imagine that, we have coupled it with Boullee’s Cenotaph for Isaac Newton from the 18th century - the ultimate architectural gesture that shares the form and the stars with the Budapest building. The program for the building should match its time, some times ideologically driven and at other times merely to meet a practical need - from a ballroom to a server room. The aim, in this case, is to provoke a form-based approach." LLRRLLRR