Start-of-term Museum Pedagogical Event

26. October, 2005, 09:00–17:45
26. October, 2005, 09:00–17.45
Not visitable by annual pass


9:00 Registration

9:00 Museum related book, textbook, school supply and stationary fair and poster exhibition

10:00 – 12:45 Special welcome session

Chaired by: Dr Annamária Vígh, Director of the Museum Division of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage

Opening speech – Katalin Néray, Director of the Ludwig Museum

About the events and achievements of “Museums for Everyone” program in the previous year – Erika Koncz, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage

Handing out the Award of Excellence in Museum Pedagogy – Museum Division of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage

“Chance for Change – Possibility of a Change” – development of school education also relating to museums within the frameworks of the National Development Plan – György Rápli, Director of the Program Development Center of Sulinova Public Company

11:15 – 11:45 Coffee break

An Old Institution in a Brand New Building - Zsuzsanna Fehér, PR Manager of the Ludwig Museum

Handing out the “Family Friendly Museum 2005” award – Anikó Korenchy Mrs Misz, Director of the Museums and Visitors Foundation, and Zoltán Csáki, Representative of C.Enter IT Ltd

Introducing the Herman Ottó Cooperation Program of Schools and Museums – Dr Tamás Vásárhelyi, and Zsuzsa Treiber

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 – 15:00 New Building – New Challenges – New Approaches (contemporary art- and museum pedagogy)

14:00 – 14:30 What Might Today’s Modern Art- and Museum Pedagogy Be Like? – Litza Juhász, Director of the Education Department in the Museum of Fine Arts

Somewhere in my Dreams – A Contemporary Art- and Museum Pedagogy Center – István Sinkó, Art Pedagogist of GYÍK Fine Arts Workshop for Children and the Youth

Tendencies in Contemporary Art Pedagogy – István Bodóczky, Docent of the Teacher Training Department of the University of Applied Arts

14:30 – 15:00 About our Methods – Interactive Guided Tours – László Hemrik, Museum Educator of the Ludwig Museum

Creative Work with a Difference – Éva Varga, Museum Pedagogist of the Ludwig Museum

Contemporary Art for All Age Groups / School Activities at LUMU – Orsolya Erdőháti, Museum Educator of the Ludwig Museum

15:15 – 17:15 Museums for Everyone! (Roundtables on the various forms of cooperation between schools and museums)

15:15 – 16:00

Ways of Cooperation in British Museum Life – Nicola Bell, Museum Consultant

Heritage—School: Cooperation! – Dr Péter Deme, Director of the Department of Public Relations of the Bureau for the Protection of Cultural Heritage

A Problematic Age Group – What Shall We Do With Secondary School Students? – Brainstorming with Museum Educators and Teachers – Gabriella Kesik, Museum Pedagogist of the Hungarian National Museum, Lajos Molnár, Head of the Pedagogical Division of the Business Polytechnic, and dr Tamás Foky, Teacher from Fazekas Mihály Primary and Secondary School and Teacher Training Centre

Passivity? – Activity! – Anita Várszegi and László Bán on behalf of the Palace of Wonders Public Company, and Dr Judit Bajzáth, Head of Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum

16:15 – 17:00

One Swallow does not Make a Summer – What the term “museum-pedagogical base school” means – Ilona Simon Mrs Palotai and Ágnes Kurimay Mrs Szepesházy, Museum Educators on behalf of the József Attila School, and Mária Bodor form the Center for Pedagogical Development of District XX

The Cooperation between Museums and Public Organizations – Magdolna Petró and Zsuzsanna Tóth, Representing the Museum of Stickers in Százhalombatta and the Archaeological Park in Százhalombatta – Anikó Korenchy Mrs Misz, Director of the Museums and Visitors Foundation

How Can an Institute Become the Cohesive Force of the Community – Tóbiás Kékes, Mayor of Magyarlukafa, and Kata Kárpáti, on behalf of the Kaptár Association in Magyarlukafa, Dóra Schreiner, Museum Pedagogist of the Directorat of the Museums of Baranya County

The Cooperation between Museums and Professional Organiztaions – Imre Kiss, Director of the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism

17:15 – 17: 45 Wrapping Up the Conclusions of the Roundtable Discussions, Further Thoughts and Comments (delivered by the moderators of the discussions)

Venue: Auditorium, Blue Salon

17:45 Closing words – Dr Annamária Vígh, , Director of the Museum Division of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, and Katalin Néray, Director of the Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art (Auditorium)

Venue: Auditorium, Blue Salon