Literary event: Women, who differently

14. April, 2005, 18:00–20:00
14. April, 2005, 18:00–20.00
Not visitable by annual pass

Literary events are slowly becoming a tradition in Ludwig Museum. As a continuation of the series in cooperation with Magvető Publishing House, we will organise two nights in the first half of 2005, but the other programs will offer a lot of surprise as well. Music bands, film screenings, sharing ideas -- and all of these interlaced with well-known foreign and Hungarian authors’ readings and introductions. The upcoming events are hosted by Orsolya Karafiáth.

Women who do it differently...

Reading and singing: Dóra Esze

Reading and presenting her film: Kriszta Bódis

Reading and talking: Gabriella Nagy

Followed by a musical performance: Bori Rutkai

The protagonists of this evening are women. Women who really "stand on several feet", who have produced outstanding work in several fields of art.

Dóra Esze is a writer and an opera singer, Kriszta Bódis is a poet and a documentary filmmaker, Gabriella Nagy is a writer, poet and organiser, too. The contradictive diva Bori Rutkai’s musical performance creates a vivid frame for the evening.

The woman stitching this wide range of women 's "activities” is Orsolya Karafiáth.