Lecture - Andy Warhol

15. April, 2005, 16:00–18:00
15. April, 2005, 16:00–18.00
Not visitable by annual pass

Warhol is one of most impressive, most cynical and above all, perhaps, the most “popist” figure of the American pop art, who not like the stream’s other representatives (Oldanburg, Lichtenstein, Wesselmann), became a recognised artist from a graphic designer and slowly an unavoidable icon. Warhol was the first, who contrary to the American pop art’s more shy representatives, dared to use the products of the mass media (meaning soup cans, dish sponge cardboards, ketchup bottles, emerging pop stars, made actresses and rock and roll singers, and He himself as well), diversely from the traditional panel painting, with graphic design techniques, what’s more in industrial amount, reproducing.

Presenter: András Lengyel fine artist