From the Factory to the Chelsea Hotel - Selection from Andy Warhol and 1960s NYC avant-garde films

16. June, 2012, 00:00–00:00
16. June, 2012
Not visitable by annual pass
  1. James Crump: Black White + Gray: A Portrait of Sam Wagstaff and Robert Mapplethorpe (2007), 77 min
  2. Thirteen of Warhol's Legendary Screen Tests (1964-66), 60 min
  3. Jonas Mekas: Award Presentation to Andy Warhol (1963), 12 min
  4. Esther B. Robinson: A Walk Into the Sea: Danny Williams and the Warhol Factory (2007), 75 min
  5. Andy Warhol: Mario Banana 1 & 2 (1964), 7 min
  6. Paul Morrissey - Andy Warhol: The Chelsea Girls (1966), 197 min

Introduction to the films by Zsolt Sőrés