Docent - Movement and artists of Abstract Expressionism

18. October, 2007, 00:00–00:00
18. October, 2007
Not visitable by annual pass

This is a program that trains volunteers to conduct tours of the Museum's permanent exhibition. The first year of your training includes contemporary art lectures - art appreciation classes - tour technique workshops and field trips. The instructors are professionals in the industry. They are art historians, museum educators, gallerists, experienced docents and curators. After your training, you begin a season of team-touring. Once prepared, you will be encouraged to do solo tours. To learn more about the programme, or just for your own enrichment, come to our Open House with a collection tour and reception, Thursday September 27, 11.00 a.m.

12.00 a.m. Post-war situation in art: the shifting art centre from Paris to New York. Movement and artists of Abstract Expressionism.
Guest speaker, Jeff Taylor - Art Historian

E-mail: Linda Kondor,
Phone: +36 1 555 3480
Fax: +36 1 555 3458
The program is subject to change.
Admission: HUF 1500 per lecture, free for docent volunteers
Location: 1st floor Auditorium and exhibition halls
