Composer in storm of silent applause

14. September, 2007, 00:00–00:00
14. September, 2007
Not visitable by annual pass

Composer in storm of silent applause: sounds and images from Beethoven to Fred Frith


Colour, Italy, in Italian with English subtitles, 92 mins, 2006

Starring : Alejandro Jodorowsky, Sonia Bergamasco, Fabrizio Gifuni

Two Italian editor-reporters making a film on curious spiritual gurus of cultural history, travel into the past through music and regressive hypnosis. They meet with the ageing, eccentric Beethoven. Absurd-comic film curio with the focus on a benefit performance by the 78 year-old Jodorowsky in the lead role, and as the composer-director Battiato says, “Salad is better than Beethoven or Sinatra.”

Series editor: ZSOLT SŐRES

The films are shown as informative screenings, projected from DVD.

The programme is subject to change.