Composer in storm of silent applause

21. December, 2007, 00:00–00:00
21. December, 2007
Not visitable by annual pass

Composer in storm of silent applause: sounds and images from Beethoven to Fred Frith


Colour, Germany, in English, 99 mins, 2004

Touch the Sound is a unique journey with the Grammy Award-winning classical percussionist Evelyn Glennie, the world’s first deaf musician. Through Glennie, sounds become tangible, and the rhythm is the basis of everything. Nothing exists without vibrations. From silence to music, hearing to seeing, the music of the brilliant soloist Evelyn Glennie makes sound into reality via the body’s “total perception”. Touch the Sound makes the universe audible, reshapes our perceptions, or as she puts it, “hearing is a kind of touch.” one of the climatic moments of the film is Glennie’s unforgettable joint production with Fred Frith, who wrote much of the music for the film. Like Thomas Riedelsheimer’s other film, Rivers and Tides, Touch the Sound has won awards at many film festivals throughout the world.

Series editor: ZSOLT SŐRES

The films are shown as informative screenings, projected from DVD.

The programme is subject to change.