Chapters of Museum Life: The Birth of the Museum

21. September, 2011, 00:00–00:00
21. September, 2011
Not visitable by annual pass

Chapters of Museum Life. The Museum as an Institution

Art History Lecture Series

Today`s lecture

21 September 2011

The Birth of the Museum

Ernő Marosi, art historian, academian

Upcoming events

28 September 2011
From the Cabinet of Wonder (Wunderkammer) to National Museums

Erzsébet Király, art historian

5 October 2011
Does Neo-Avantgarde Need a Museum?

Edit Sasvári, art historian

12 October 2011
The Museum as a Mechanism of Categorisation

Péter György, aesthete

19 October 2011
The Missing Museum. The Typology of the Absence of the Museum

József Mélyi, art historian

The lectures are in Hungarian.

Programme ticket: 600 HUF