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Painting No. 10
Ilona Keserü belongs to the Iparterv generation of Neo-avant-garde artists, who made their debut in the 1960s.

Collection (We have eaten lots of soft-boiled eggs)
„It is interesting that at that time when the Collection was made, almost everything became a ’work of art’, anything that I Iooked at or touched. The actual ’doing’ came first and then I tried to find a title to it.

Red Painting
Ilona Keserü started her career as a student of Ferenc Martyn, a chapter of “alternative learning” that was followed by an initiation to analytic and academic realism at the academy.

The screen print shows one of the central motifs of Ilona Keserü. The organically curved form of the heart-shaped gravestones of Balatonudvardi made a deep impression on her.