Pfeifer, Uwe: Solitary Rider (1979)

oil on fibreboard
Long-term loan from the Peter und Irene Ludwig Stiftung, Aachen

Uwe Pfeifer was born in Halle, Germany, in 1947. An artist of the Leipzig School, he studied under Wolfgang Mattheuer and Werner Tübke. His figural realism combines elements of old German painting, Romanticism, Naturalism and Surrealism. His vision points beyond the everyday experience of seeing, and achieves additional sensual and conceptual meaning with a balance of harmony and contradictions. The calm composition of colours and shapes creates a unity from the variegated and contradictory relationship of human nature and the external world, yet tension is ready to burst from underneath the poised surface. The silence in his pictures has an almost dramatic quality. The clear, level-headed and precise representation lures the viewer into a kind of false tranquillity. His central subject is the isolation of man, the fragility of emotional equilibrium in a world that can be both threatening and protective. As he uncovers the contradictions, he evokes weighty existential dilemmas with a lyrical sensibility.