LUDWIG 25 - A kortárs gyűjtemény 13. November, 2014 – 25. September, 2016
LUDWIG 25. The Contemporary Collection
The new permanent exhibition of the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art

Kind of Change - New Acquisitions 2009-2011 5. March, 2011 – 15. May
Following on the Ludwig Museum’s exhibition, New Acquisitions - Rarely Seen Works (2009), Kind of Change offers a second occasion for the museum to display recently acquired wo

New Acquisitions – Rarely Seen Works 13. March, 2009 – 14. June
The Ludwig Museum possesses a relatively small yet internationally significant collection of over 400 contemporary artworks. As the museum’s permanent exhibition is only able to show a small portion of the collection, we make an effort to present a fresh selection from time to time.

Techniques of Evasion – Subversive strategies in the Hungarian Neo-Avant-Garde of the 1960s and '70s 4. October, 2019 – 6. January, 2020
The exhibition Techniques of Evasion presents a selection from the collection of the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art based on the works of Hungarian artists of the 1960s and '70s. The display focuses on the artistic positions that were not only pushing at the conventional aesthetic boundaries, but also queried the social and political establishment of the authoritarian state.