Megyeri, Matthias: “R. Bunnit, Peter Pin & Didoo” Railings, from Sweet Dreams Security® (2003)

Purchased from funds provided by Peter und Irene Ludwig Stiftung, Aachen, 2011

The new gallery of the Ludwig Museum, LudwigInzert`s first public event in June 2010 was the solo exhibition of Matthias Megyeri, London and Stuttgart based artist, entitled Budapest Hangings. Originally coming from a political poster design background, Megyeri established his company and brand called Sweet Dreams Security® in 2003, which produces and sells functional security equipment, while being an art project as well. They manufacture padlocks, grates, razor-wires and chains, but in an extraordinary way: each piece is complete with some lovely and gentle detail, such as bear cubs, hearts or butterflies. The protection of our home and private sphere, physical and existential safety and the anxiety surrounding these are becoming ever more important issues around the globe. With the objects manufactured by Sweet Dreams Security®, five of which are present in the permanent collection of the MoMA, New York, Megyeri reflects on the conflicts of the tension-ridden 8th district and, in a wider sense, on the paranoia dominating our entire society.