Kintera, Kristof: Appliances – 3 objects from the series (26 items alltogether) (1997-1998)

painted fibreglass, vibration motor, analog timer, switch, diode, digital print, cardboard, leskimo
Purchased from funds provided by Peter und Irene Ludwig Stiftung, Aachen, 2009

Krištof Kintera (b. 1973 in Prague) graduated from that city's Academy of Fine Arts in 1996. A multidisciplinary artist, he makes sculpture and installations out of everyday objects; these works are generally place-specific. He often makes use of electronics parts like motors, diodes, and switches. Kintera's work tends to portray the kind of doubts that plague the inhabitants of the former socialist countries in their everyday life as a result of rapid changes in the economy and the structure of society. His series Devices, an ironic reference to the dumping of surplus products by consumer culture, formed part of the exhibition Manifesta 2 in Luxemburg in 1998, and After the Wall − Art and Culture in Post-Communist Europe on display in Stockholm's Moderna Museet in 1999, then at the Ludwig in Budapest in 2000.