The Wild West. A history of Wroclaw's Avant-Garde

Dorota Monkiewicz et al.
Dorota Monkiewicz
Zacheta - National Gallery of Art, Wroclaw Contemporary Museum
Place of publication
Date of publication
Number of pages
Méret / Size: 224*172*30 mm
Súly / Weight: 1000 g
Kötés / Quality: papír ill. puha kötés / paperback
Színes / Colour
Nyelv / Language: angol, English

Wrocław is a city in western Poland. Before the end of World War II the city, with a population of one million, was called Breslau and belonged to the Third Reich. In 1945 the Red Army approached the city, which was turned into Festung Breslau; by the end of the siege of three months, it was nearly razed to the ground. Wrocław became part of the so-called Recovered Territories, regions of Poland that previously were populated by Germans; rebuilding the city took decades.

Out in these fascinating wild fields situated at the edge of a communist country where various cultures met, in a spirit of freedom and independence, artists have created their own original microcosm with bold experiments and international cooperation with partners from both sides of the Iron Curtain at its heart.

The exhibition presents works of art, films, documentary photographs, objects d’art, and recordings—nearly 500 works of visual arts, architecture, urbanism, theatre, film, design, and everyday life of Wrocław since the 1960s until the present.

The catalogue volume is accompanied by a separate booklet containing the Hungarian translation of the text.