Gyula Gulyás. Acqua et helios, 1966-1999

Katalin Néray, János Frank, Csaba Kozák, Péter Fitz
Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum
Place of publication
Date of publication
Number of pages

The artist spent some time in Rome on a scholarship in 1994. It was there that he began to produce drawings and graphic art, which introduced yet another angle of his expressive abilities. The graphic drawings are independent works, not sculpture sketches. The themes and motifs are the same as in the sculptures, but are not their precedents. He exhibited a few pieces from his new series in the Fészek Gallery in 1994. The spirit of Rome, antiquity, and the Mediterranean has left their permanent mark and inspire him to produce new works.
The clear, dominant colours used in the Marilyn Monroe series were replaced by brick red and deep blue, as well as the black and white inspired by Rome. His palette became simpler, the use of colours significantly more held back.

Language: Hungarian, English