The Cuteness Factor

Ajna Maj, Jan Elantkowski, Simon May, Annekathrin Kohout, Tayler Patrick, József Készman, Viktória Popovics
Ajna Maj, Jan Elantkowski
Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum
Place of publication
Date of publication
Number of pages

The aim of the exhibition A cukiság faktor | The Cuteness Factor – and the accompanying catalogue – was to understand and present the aesthetics of cuteness, a global aesthetics that has an absolute presence on the internet and social media. The complexity of the subject is revealed by the fact that the literature, which has been steadily expanding since the early 2010s, has sought to address the phenomenon first from the social sciences, such as psychology and sociology, often through examples of visual art. Yet it is a phenomenon that affects society as a whole and has had a major impact on contemporary art through its visual character. We were primarily interested in how contemporary artists transform the popular, visual experience of everyday life, with its associated connotations, into their own tools.

What can be said with certainty, even after such a short period of time, is that because of its timing, cuteness remains an interesting period and aspect of the present, regardless of future perceptions. For it has found its way in a troubled historical period that will not pass without trace.

Language: Hungarian, English