Serigraphy workshop

18. October, 2015, 00:00–00:00
18. October, 2015
Not visitable by annual pass

Come and make your own T-shirt with serigraph printing! Get inspiration from artworks on display in our newly opened temporary exhibition Ludwig Goes Pop + The East Side Story!

This is a museum education programme primarily intended for adults.

Programme ticket: 3900 HUF (Entrance to the exhbiition Ludwig Goes Pop + The East Side Story included!)

Please, note, there is only a limited number of places (max. 15) available.

You can purchase your ticket in advance, online BY CLICKING HERE

(You are advised to take advantage of online ticket purchase as, due to the limited number of places, tickets may happen to be sold out and be no longer available at the counter on the day of the programme.)

Further dates of serigraphy workshop:
8 and 22 November, 6 December 2015, Sunday, 10.30-13.00