Night of Museums 2010 at Ludwig Museum
14.00 - 18.00
One-Two-Three… Action: The Big Draw
Creative activities on all the three floors of the Museum, where the whole family can join the fun.
15.00 – 18.00
Overture to the Night of Museums I
Classical music concert of Szabolcsi Bence School of Music students. (3rd floor exhibition space)
18.00 – 19.30
Sunset on the P`Art Cafe terrace: The Night of Museums begins with a delightful Cabaret Medrano concert.
18.00 – 20.00
What shall we wear in 3000 AD?
Young Hungarian fashion designers will show you live. (ground floor)
18.00 – 02-00
The Big Draw can not stop! You can draw all night till closing time. Not only for children. (1st floor)
18.00 – 20.00
Overture to the Night of Museums II
A classical music concert of Szabolcsi Bence School of Music teachers. (3rd floor)
20.00 – 21.00
Through the Artist`s Eye: an exclusive guided tour with the artist Pál Gerber at the Pál Gerber - A Retrospective exhibition. (1st floor exhibition space)
21.00 – 22.30
Unbending Trees concert on the Terrace
21.00 - 22.00
The Science of Imagination: an exclusive guided tour with Hajnalka Somogyi, curator of the exhibition. (2nd floor exhibition space)
22.00 - 23.00
Unmistakable Sentences. The Collection Revisited: a light talk with Róbert Pálinkás-Szűcs, reporter and Katalin Timár, curator of the exhibition (3rd floor exhibition space)
22.30 – 02.00
Dj Palotai special set: party on the terrace till dawn.
Night of Museums 2010 official website:
Underground Events with the Ludwig Museum at Octogon
The Budapesti Kulturális Klaszter presents: Földalattizz! Events on the Night of Museums with various events, concerts and performances all the way down of the Millennium Underground. Let`s meet at Budapest downtown as well at the Octogon underground station from 6 PM to 11 PM.