Night of Museums

20. June, 2015–21.
20. June, 2015, 00:00–21. June, 2015, 00:00
Not visitable by annual pass

Programme schedule

1ST FLOOR EXHIBITION ROOMSPhotographed by Vilmos Zsigmond – Finissage

17.00 – Meet Vilmos Zsigmond in person! - Meeting and catalogue signing with Vilmos Zsigmond Hungarian born Academy Award holder cinematographer!

20.00 – Guided tour with Ritter Doron, photographer
The well-known fashion and portrait photographer, also cinematographer of numerous video clips and ads, is going to be our guide through this amazing exhibition, followed by a discussion with the curator, Tomas Opitz.

2ND FLOOR EXHIBITION ROOMSRed horizon. Russian and Ex-Soviet artworks from the Ludwig Museum's collection

19.00Assa (Soviet-Russian film drama, 1988, 155 min., d: Sergej Solovyov) One of the last Soviet films that has become a cultic piece. Artists belonging to the circle of Neo-Academics in Saint Petersburg, and whose works feature in our forthcoming exhibition, also appear in the film.

19.30Vostock special edition Guided tour with tea, in the company of sociologists Julianna Faludi and Vadim Kemény, presenters of programme Vostock at Tilos Rádió and editors of blog Oroszok.

21.30Chamber concert given by artists of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra Programme: Roland Szentpáli (tuba): Ballade (string quartett with a tuba) Dvořak: American Quartett, 4th movement (string quartett) Rimsky-Korsakov: Bumblebee (string quartett with a tuba) Leó Weiner: Fox dance (string quartett)

3RD FLOOR EXHIBITION ROOMSLUDWIG 25. The contemporary collection

22.00Amoeba concert Number One futuristic band in Budapest! Just released their debut album which event was celebrated with a full house concert show. Here, tonight, they will give an intimate club concert with jazz-funk tuned to contemporary art.

1ST FLOOR, AUDITORIUM 21.00 and 22.00Blue Panther Extraordinary acrobat performance by László László Révész and the Karkade Company on music by Rafael Bernabeu García


22.00 – Márkus Luca - Gányi Miklós Duo Luca Márkus - vocal, Miklós Gányi - piano

23.00 – Enyedi Sugárka Jazz Tett Sugárka Enyedi - vocal, György Balázs Csicsák - guitar, mouth-organ, Béla Piri - double bass, bass, József Adamecz - drums

00.00 – Birta Miki - Fonay Tibor Duó feat. Koós-Hutás Áron Miki Birta - guitar, Tibor Fonay - double bass, Áron Koós-Hutás - trumpet


What makes a photo interesting? – Ubiquitous smart phones and other modern electronic devices made photography available for everyone. Even the youngest know how to take a photo. However, it is not so self-understanding, how to shoot a truly good, well-composed photo. In our photo studio, set up only for tonight, visitors are more than welcome to consult specialists and professional photographers on the challenges of photography. Our guides will give a short introduction on composition, set up and lighting, thus, next time, when you are shooting a pic with your phone you will be able to remember the most important keywords.

Reader’s Corner – Thumb through publications, books, catalogues on film history and film theory, a propos of the exhibition Photographed by Vilmos Zsigmond.

Finding pictures! – Searching after artworks exhibited at the LUDWIG 25. The contemporary collection, tracing picture details. All welcome, not only children!

Film/Image quizz – A game focusing on Vilmos Zsigmond’s life-work: directors, actors, film music … besides, valuable prizes for the winners!


19.00-01.00 DJ Bem Freestyle musical adventure with tons of bakelites.

20.00-21.00 RedRed concert RedRed = ÉLŐ Marci from Irie Maffia & M3NSA from Ghana/Budapest Their music is something like a local, Budapest version of Black Eyed Peas. The duo is named after a popular, spicy African dish with beans. The two prepared an explosive mixture of African and Carribean pop music mingled with newest trends of electric dance music. Most efficient in live!

Admission with Night of Museums pass (wristband). Adult ticket: 1500 HUF Discounted ticket (children and young people aged 6 to 18): 600 HUF Free antreance for children under 6

None of our usual discounts apply this evening except the one for persons with disabilities.

The opening hours of the Ludwig Museum may be subject to change depending on the number of visitors. For safety reasons, attendance of the programmes is limited and in order of arrival.

Admission with a Night of Museums pass from 16.30. The last admission is at 00.30. Thank you for your understanding.

All programmes are subject to change!