7 May 2011, Saturday at 16.00
1st floor Auditorium
Kateřina Šedá (1977, Brno-Líšeň) is one of the most original young Czech artists with a significant international career. Her works were exhibited e.g. at Documenta 12 in Kassel (2007), the 5th Berlin Biennale (2008) or at the 10th Biennale in Lyon (2009). As a guest of the Ludwig Museum’s residency programme she has accomplished her newest project called Mirror Hill (Tükörhegy), which is now on view at the Museum’s Kind of Change - New Acquisitions 2009-2011 exhibition until 15 May 2011. In her lecture Kateřina Šedá presents her project she would like to repeat soon in the Czech Republic and her earlier works as well.
Kateřina Šedá about the Tükörhegy (Mirror Hill), 2010 project
``In 2009 I spent two months in Budapest upon an invitation from Ludwig Museum and thus I got an opportunity to learn a bit more about the local area and to compare it with the place which I come from. Surprisingly, I have found many identical features which have been forming both societies in the past two decades and it gave me an idea to try to repeat my event in another place, nevertheless a similar one.
When I came to the village of Törökbálint for the first time, immediately I was enchanted by the variety of development which embellishes the local hill called Tükörhegy. However, among the originally constructed houses I could not find any central common area. Only later I realised that the main square of this locality is basically formed by the grid of the individual streets.
Interconnection through this grid made me prepare a FAMILY COMPETITION. All the families living in Tükörhegy can participate in the competition, without any age restrictions.``
Peter und Irene Ludwig Stiftung, Aachen; Galleria Franco Soffiantino, Torino
Czech Centrum, Budapest; Tükörhegyi Közéleti Egyesület, Törökbálint
The lecture is in Czech, with Hungarian translation.
Free admission with exhibition ticket.
More information
About Mirror Hill, 2010. Family Identification Contest by Kateřina Šeda...
Tájékoztatjuk, hogy eseményeinkről hang- és képfelvétel készül, amelyből a Ludwig Múzeum részleteket használhat fel a múzeum és programjainak népszerűsítése céljából és egyéb promóciós célokra. Eseményeinken történő részvétellel Ön elfogadja, hogy a felvételeken Ön is feltűnhet, de a Ludwig Múzeummal vagy az általa jogosított harmadik személyekkel szemben a felvétel felhasználásával összefüggésben semmilyen követeléssel nem élhet.