Messenger II.

17. June, 2014, 00:00–00:00
17. June, 2014
Not visitable by annual pass


The successful first lecture about the Icelandic art scene of the ’Messenger’- series showed, that the Hungarian audiance is eager to learn more about artists and art scenes that are lesser-known in Hungary. The international relations departement of Ludwig Museum is about to organize more lectures that will introduce interesting art spaces of countries like Iran, Kazakhstan, Israel or Malta. For the second lecture we have invited the Brazilian artist Levi Barbosa to speak about the lively and vibrant art scene of his home country. His point of view is going to be especially interesting in the context of the FIFA World Cup which will draw the whole world’s attention to Brazil for the next few weeks anyway.

The lecture will take place on 17th of June from 5 till 6.30 pm, first floor in the blue salon of Ludwig Museum.