Ludwig Open Day on the Autumn Festival of Museums

22. October, 2011, 00:00–00:00
22. October, 2011
Not visitable by annual pass

10.00-15.00 ONE, TWO, THREE… ACTION!: creative sessions, The Big Draw.
12.30-13.30 A fairy tale performance by Figurina
14.00-15.00 A Cup of Tea in a Good Company Extra: a discussion about contemporary art.
11.00-11.30 | 15.30–16.00 From the Basement to the Attic - with a Giant Elevator through the Ludwig Museum: an adventure in the hidden spaces of the museum with Béla Kónya, restorer.
16.00-17.00 Contemporary Works of Art through the Restorer`s Eyes: an introduction by Emese Farkas, restorer.
17.00 Guided Tour in the Site Inspection exhibition.
18.00 Guided Tour in the East of Eden exhibition.