To Look into the Sun at Midnight

27. May, 2006, 00:00–00:00
27. May, 2006
Not visitable by annual pass

The performance, inspired by the art and imagery of Katharina Sieverding, showcases a unique gesture-language through which our old notions about the human body are challenged and revaluated. The dance itself is invoked by the timeless moment of concentrated presence, statue –like frozenness, moving the human body like symbols of age-old images with an ever changing meaning. The body-statues of the dancers create a living installation in a space that is unlike the theatrical one, and while the spectators can walk around them, they invite everyone to do their own personal viewing. One is searching for possible passages within the personal realities of secret inner universes.

Featuring: Nikoletta Gresó, Krisztián Gergye, Ádám Zambrzycki

Director and Choreographer: Krisztián Gergye