Finita la Commedia: Medusa piercing

27. January, 2007, 00:00–00:00
27. January, 2007
Not visitable by annual pass

Medium: Fehér Ferenc

Choreography: O. Caruso (Juhász Anikó), Fehér Ferenc

Origin: Lőrinc Lilla /videón/

Music: The Corporation

Design: O. Caruso (Juhász Anikó)

Lights: Bánki Gabi

Video: The Corporation

Photo: Szenteleki Dóra

Director: O. Caruso (Juhász Anikó)

Medusa Piercing is a lunatic and ecstatic vision about today’s world: nightmares, worried and worrying visions, schizophrenia and mania. The protagonist (the medium) explains the metaphysical layers of life among the video works projected on the floor. Ferenc Fehér as a dancer of hypergalactic forces takes us on a fearful journey into the depths of the unconscious.

The dance performance is supported by the National Dance Theatre.