The exhibition The Wild West. A History of Wroclaw’s Avant-Garde organized by Wroclaw Contemporary Museum held as a part of the European Capital of Culture Wroclaw 2016 programme has been already shown at Zachęta — National Gallery of Art, Warsaw (Poland), Kunsthalle Košice (Slovakia), Kunstmuseum Bochum (Germany) and Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb (Croatia), arrived to the Ludwig Museum, Budapest.
Wroclaw — a city in the “Recovered Territories,” which before the Second World War had nearly one million inhabitants, for decades could not be rebuilt after being destroyed in the Siege of Breslau. Out in these fascinating wild fields situated at the edge of a communist country where various cultures met, in a spirit of freedom and independence, artists have created their own original microcosm with bold experiments and international cooperation with partners from both sides of the Iron Curtain at its heart. The exhibition presents works of art, films, documentary photographs, and objets d’art, and recordings— nearly 500 works of visual arts, architecture, urbanism, theatre, film, design, and everyday life of Wroclaw since the 1960s until the present.
Opening ceremony: Friday, 30 September 2016, 6 p.m.
Greetings by Julia Fabényi
Director of the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art
Opening speech by Roman Kowalski
Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Hungary
Opening remarks by Dorota Monkiewicz
Head of Wrocław Contemporary Museum
The exhibition opening is followed by a live performance of the Wrocław-based band Kormorany at 7 p.m.
Joanna Jezierska DJ starts her exclusive performance at 8 p.m., in 2nd floor exhibition rooms.
The exhibition is on view between October 1 and November 27, 2016.

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The Wild West. A History of Wrocław’s Avant-Garde 1. October, 2016 – 27. November
An exhibition organised by Wrocław Contemporary Museum (Muzeum Współczesne Wrocław) held as a part of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016 program.