Contemporary arts meet theatre
Maladype Theatre Company at the LUMÚ
Schiller: Don Carlos

11. December, 2013, 00:00–00:00
11. December, 2013
Not visitable by annual pass

A special rendez-vous will take place at the Ludwig Museum this evening: performing arts meet contemporary arts. Only for one night, the exhibition rooms of the museum will be transformed into theatre stage. Maladype Theatre Company perfoms Schiller's Don Carlos and the show will be followed by an extra lecture titled "The anatomy of power" delivered by György Csepeli sociologist and social psychologist that completes the theatre perfomance and helps us to better understand what we have just experienced as well as our own selves.

The theatre performance starts at 6 p.m.

The lecture begins at 9 p.m.

(Both in Hungarian language)

Ticket price: 3400 HUF, to be booked and purchased at the info desk.

Maladype Company

Director: Balázs Zoltán

Performers: Blasek Gyöngyi, Lendváczky Zoltán, Keszég László, Kuna Károly, Orosz Ákos, Tankó Erika, Varga Gabriella

Díszlettervező: Gombár Judit

Costume designer: Benedek Mari

Dramaturg: Góczán Judit

Assistant: Pelbát Gergely