Check in Budapest with Anne Barlow and Danna Taggar Heller

25. May, 2011, 00:00–00:00
25. May, 2011
Not visitable by annual pass

The next guests and lecturers of the

Check in Budapest curatorial visitor program

organized by ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange

are Anne Barlow, Executive Director of Art in General, New York, and appointed curator of the 2012 Bucharest Biennale (BB5)


Danna Taggar Heller, Tel Aviv-based independent curator.

In her lecture Anne Barlow will talk about Art in General and its programmatic initiatives. Art in General, New York, is a non-profit arts organization that supports emerging artists primarily through the commissioning of new work and an international residency exchange program.

Danna Taggar Heller will talk about recent trends in contemporary art from Israel, with a focus on the dichotomy of Utopia vs. Politics in the practice of Israeli artists living in Israel or abroad. The presentation will include examples from her curatorial work as well as a short video screening.

Date: 25 May 2011 (Wednesday), 6 pm

Place: Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art, Library, 2nd floor (1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.)