10. March, 2009, 00:00–00:00
10. March, 2009
Not visitable by annual pass


a series of curatorial research programs, public presentations & round tables

organized by ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange

Helena HOLMBERG, curator of Index – The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, director of Xposeptember (Sweden)
Hedwig SAXENHUBER, freelance curator and co-editor of springerin (Austria)
Maja ĆIRIĆ, freelance curator (Serbia)

Date: 10th March 2009, 6pm

Location: ERNST Museum (1065 Budapest, Nagymező u. 8.)

Maja Ćirić, Helena Holmberg and Hedwig Saxenhuber stay in Budapest from 9th to 12th March as the guests of ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange’s Check in Budapest program.

Ćirić, Holmberg and Saxenhuber hold a public lecture on 10th March from 6pm in the Ernst Museum about their curatorial practices and actual projects.

Helena Holmberg, is a curator at Index – The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. Index is a small scale institution with a special interest for the conceptual and political aspects of contemporary art. The activities include exhibitions, programs, international projects and educational work.

Helena Holmberg is also the director for Xposeptember, a biannual art event in Stockholm, focusing on the photographic image in it´s different forms, still as well as moving image. The last edition of Xposeptember took place in late 2008 under the title “Between the Images” and presented works in which artists explicitly use images to highlight or renegotiate political, social or aesthetic conventions.

Helena Holmberg will present Index as well as Xposeptember activities in her lecture.


Hedwig Saxenhuber is a freelance curator and co-editor of springerin contemporary art journal. Lives and works in Vienna. Since 2005 curator (together with Christian Kravagna) at Kunstraum Lakeside at Klagenfurt. Recent exhibitions: VALIE EXPORT (Moscow Biennal, 2007), Art + Politics, From the Collection of the City of Vienna (MUSA, Vienna, 2008), Parallel Histories (6. Gyumri Biennal, Armenia, 2008), Bertha von Suttner Revisited (Harmannsdorf, 2009), Wie den gegenwärtigen Verhältnissen widersetzen oder widersprechen??!? (Open Space, Vienna, 2009).

In her lecture Saxenhuber will focus on her practice at springerin and her curatorial accompanient work at Kunstraum Lakeside’s research project.


Maja Ćirić is a freelance curator, art historian, art critic and art consultant from Belgrade. Her latest independent projects include shows such as Becoming Minor (KCB, Belgrade, 2005), Offbeat: Look and See the Violence Against Women (SKC, Belgrade, 2007), Beyond Theory (WUK, Vienna and SUSHI Visual Arts and Performance Space, San Diego 2008).

She is also involved in institutional projects. She was the curator of the Serbian Pavilion at 52. International Art Exhibition La Biennale de Venezia (2007) and The New Visual Tendencies Festival (Dom Omladine, Belgrade, 2007). She collaborated with Remont /Independent Artistic Association on the 46. October Art Salon (2005) and Mobile Studios Project (2006). Trans-national experience is essential to her practice. She collaborated with the Shanghai Zendai Moma Museum and worked as an art consultant in Dubai ( 2008).

Her areas of interest, amongst other, are gender theory and new media practices.

She received the Lazar Trifunović Award for Art Criticism and the ArtsLink Independent Projects Award.

In her lecture held in the Ernst Museum she will map and present different curatorial methodologies that were used in order to (de) construct the political or social Other (The Balkans, The Orient, Far East, America, Women, Trans-nationalism as a concept).


The curatorial visitor program Check in Budapest is a series of events taking place between October 2008-June 2009. In accordance with the main goal of the hosting organization - ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange – this program aims to establish and maintain channels of effective and continuous professional communication among the actors of the Hungarian and international art scene, as well as to promote and support the international appearance and integration of Hungarian artists.

The different editions of Check in Budapest consist out of two main activities: a curatorial research, completed by public presentations and panel discussions.

In order to give an extensive insight into the Hungarian art scene and the places of art production, the curatorial research program include tours to different galleries and museums, as well as meetings with artists, curators and key cultural producers.

Each public lecture and talk focus on a special topic – such as international residency programs; the diverse possibilities, formats, conceptual and economic frameworks for art production; or the methods of collecting and archiving contemporary art. The thematic events will bring together different international curators who will present their work and strategies to the Hungarian audience and share their ideas with each other in a public debate.

Check in Budapest is initiated and organized by ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange in collaboration with Kunsthalle Budapest, as well as the financial support from the Ministry of Education and Culture.


ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange

H-1065 Budapest, Nagymező utca 8.

Tel: + 36 1 501 4111

Fax: + 36 1 501 4112


ACAX is the international exchange program of Ludwig Museum–Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest