BudapestArtWeek: Passion. Fan Behaviour. Love. - A fashion performance

21. April, 2016, 00:00–00:00
21. April, 2016
Not visitable by annual pass

Passion. Fan Behaviour. Love.

Fashion performance with more than a hundred pieces of clothes, costumes, and accessories

An experience based, interdisciplinary performance about passion, fan behaviour and unrequieted platonic love.

A central role will be given to the costume and performance outfit collection provided by Gray Box Projects.

Concept: Gray Box Projects

Performance: Zsóka Alacsony, Szabina Almási, Anna Ádám, Zsuzsa Bakonyi, Orsi Fodor, Roland Korponovics, Gyuri Molnár, Tímea Piróth, Dorottya Poór

Music: Kata Cserne, Róbert Földvári

Text: András Breuer

Organised in the frame of BudapestArtWeek.

Particiaption only with a special wristband, regular exhibition tickets are not valid for this event.