The temporary exhibition titled Absolute Beauty – Neoacademism in Saint Petersburg is closing on the 13th of September 2015. Apropos of the finissage, on the preceding day (Saturday, 12 September) exciting special programmes await visitors!
VOSTOCK SPECIAL EDITION – 6 p.m., 1st floor exhibition rooms (special guided tour in Hungarian)
Sociologists Julianna Faludi and Vadim Kemény, editors and presenters of radio programme Vostock at Tilos Rádió, have already shown us on the occasion of the Night of the Museums that they are able to engage the public with intriguing background information related to Russian artworks exhibited at the temporary show Red horizon. This coming weekend, as part of the finissage, they will give a guided tour, where they put into a wider context the nonconformist artistic activity of the Neoacademist group evolving in the 1990's. The two will provide us with an account on the career, life-work and unusual daily life of members of this artistic movement, and point to their important role played in both national and international artistic scenes.
Radio programme Vostock, started in 2009, is engaged with anything that is in any way connected with Russia or Russian and Post-Soviet culture.
You should not miss this out, if you are interested in more than what is already written in books regarding Neoacademism.
Vostock website
Vostock blog
WATTICAN PUNK BALLET CONCERT – 8 p.m., 1st floor exhibition rooms
Wattican Punk Ballet is an Armenian freak dance punk duo, living in Budapest. The band comprises of brother and sister, Karen and Gaya Arutyunyan, who are also the founding members of the legendary Armenian psychedelic rock band "Deti Picasso". The music of Wattican Punk Ballet features a creative and punchy coincidence of psychedelic rock, dance punk and freak pop, combined with eccentric theatrical elements. Gaya and Karen explore the horizon of the creative composing process in the conditions of the duo format. Almost in every track the artists change their instruments, using guitars, drums, keyboards, loops and percussion to create a very mind-blowing and dynamic show.
The band’s wacky melange of raw power, funky disco beats and Caucasian music elevates in the elemental energy of their live performances, crossing ordinary musical borderlines. This time, at the Ludwig Museum, the duo will be performing with a children's choir.
Facebook page of Wattican Punk Ballet
Taste their music!
Any programmes of the finissage can be attended in the possession of an "Absolute Beauty special programme ticket" (a wristband) that can be purchased at the info desk in the museum entrance hall, on the day of the programme, from 4 p.m. onward.
Programme ticket is available for the same price as normal entrance ticket for the exhibition "Absolute Beauty". It enables tickets owners for a visit to the collection display on the 3rd floor.

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Absolute Beauty – Neoacademism in Saint Petersburg 10. July, 2015 – 13. September
Neoacademism in Saint Petersburg took flight in the beginning of the 1990’s under the intellectual guidance of Timur Novikov, the non-conformist Russian philosopher, artist and theoretician.