Docent – Evenings with Collectors' Circle No 2: Fakes, Faux, Frauds

14. October, 2008, 00:00–00:00
14. October, 2008
Not visitable by annual pass

Fakes, Faux, Frauds - ART mis ADVENTURES – Jeff Taylor, IBS lecturer, art historian & consultant

Just discovered Jackson Pollock in the attic! A look at the “creative or illegal?” practices the most prestigious galleries, auction houses & art collectors practice.

This series, developed in conjunction with Friends of the LUMÚ Docent Training Programme, seeks to enhance your knowledge of the world of contemporary art market from the perspective of some of the best of Budapest’s gallerists, auction experts, curators, art dealers, corporate collectors, sponsors, & museum directors.

All sessions held in ENGLISH.

Admission is HUF 2000 per session. Includes exhibition entrance (docents free).
