Short films from Cuba

6. October, 2005, 18:00–19:30
6. October, 2005, 18:00–19.30
Not visitable by annual pass

Arturo Infante, a young Cubaian film director, is showing his friends and his own short films on 6th October, Thursday, with a 6pm setout at Ludwig Museum- Contemporary Art Museum. The films- with hardly any exception- are winner works of Cubaian film festivals. Arturo Infante is staying in Budapest with Fundación Ludwig de Cuba, supporter of non-spoon-fed arts, and as a scholar of AAchen Ludwig Fund. His work, entitled, Utopia, for example, was priced as the best short film in Cuba, 2004., on the Low Budget Film Festival and on the Young People’s Film Festival as well; an other one that is going to be shown, too, El Intruso (The Intruder), got the Script of the Year title on review organised on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Salvador Dali. Arturo is making a short film during his two-month long stay in Budapest. On the night of the Latin filmclub the merit ear may watch on the original language, with subtitle, 5 Cubaian, 1 Brazil and 1 French film director’s all together, 8 short films. After the showing of the films, the organiser of the program, Arturo Infante, will gladly wait on the media and the audience as well.