The Pleasure of Light exhibition and conference aim to present the pioneering interdisciplinary concepts of György Kepes and Frank J. Malina through the course of their lives, creations and enduring influence. Simultaneously we wish to chart the intersection of art, science and technology, particularly in the last century.
Nina Czeglédy and Róna Kopeczky, Project Curators
The Pleasure of Light Conference is a collaboration between the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study, The French Institute Budapest and the Ludwig Museum- Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest.
Auditorium (1st floor) Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest.
Palace of Arts, Komor Marcell u. 1 Budapest, H-1095, Hungary
The conference is in English, with simultaneous translation into Hungarian.
FREE with Museum entrance.
10.00. Welcome
Nina Czeglédy and Róna Kopeczky, Project Curators
10.05. Introduction: Miklós Peternák, chair
Professor, Intermedia Department, Hungarian University of Fine Arts
10.15. Keynote: Roger F. Malina, astronomer, editor
Intimate Science; Frank J. Malina and György Kepes
Invited speakers:
11.00. Annick Bureaud, director Leonardo/OLATS
40 Years later, The Legacy of the Leonardo Journal
11.30. Eléonore de Lavandeyra Schöffer artist, Co-founder & President of the ANSI
Association Internationale des Amis de Nicolas Schöffer
12.00. Martha Blassnigg, media anthropologist, Research Fellow, University of Plymouth
Delightful(l) Mind: Toward an Anthropology of Light
12.30. Gábor Zemplén, historian of science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, fellow, Budapest Collegium Institute for Advanced Study
Exciting interactions in the history of light and color theories
13.00. Buffet lunch provided
14.00. Introduction: Iván Almár, chair
Astronomer, Fellow, Budapest Collegium, Institute for Advanced Study
14.15. Keynote: Olivér Botár, art historian, professor, University of Manitoba, Canada
The Nexus of Science, Art and Technology: György Kepes‚ New Landscape
Invited speakers:
15.00. Norbert Kroó, physicist, Vice President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Some ideas on science and arts
15.30. Attila Csáji, laser and hologram artist
In the Spirit of Gyorgy Kepes
16.00. Michael Punt, professor of Art & Technology University of Plymouth, Editor in Chief Leonardo Reviews
Grinding A Ridge: The Subversive Pleasure of Artificial Light
16.30. Keiko Prince, artist, fellow, Center of Advanced Visual Studies MIT
KEPES Beacon
Closing Overview:
17.00. Arnauld Pierre, art historian, Sorbonne University, France
17.30. Coffee break
17.45. Closing discussion
Moderated by Patricia Olynyk, Director, Graduate School of Art, Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, Washington University in St. Louis, incoming chair, Leonardo Education Forum

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The Pleasure of Light György Kepes and Frank J. Malina 3. September, 2010 – 21. November
The vision and creativity of György Kepes (1906-2001) and Frank Malina (1912-1981) are best characterized by the concept of universality expressed through experimentation in art, science, technology and radical innovation.