Composer in storm of silent applause

28. September, 2007, 00:00–00:00
28. September, 2007
Not visitable by annual pass

Composer in storm of silent applause: sounds and images from Beethoven to Fred Frith

ABEL GANCE: Un grand amour de Beethoven

B/W, France, in French with English subtitles, 116 mins, 1936

Starring: Harry Baur, Anne Ducaux, Jany Holt, André Nox

The great epic-maker Abel Gance’s Beethoven film, similarly to his Napoleon Bonaparte, is another forgotten classic of film history. It shows the career of Beethoven the creative genius, the beginnings of his deafness, his years of poverty, and his unrequited passion for his “undying love.” Writer-director Gance, like a conductor, puts a symphony of images and expressive music on the screen in Un grand amour de Beethoven.

ABEL GANCE: Un grand amour de Beethoven

B/W, France, in French with English subtitles, 116 mins, 1936

Starring: Harry Baur, Anne Ducaux, Jany Holt, André Nox

Series editor: ZSOLT SŐRES

The films are shown as informative screenings, projected from DVD.

The programme is subject to change.