Premiere of the animation film
Date: Tuesday, 20 December 2011 at 18.00
Venue: Auditorium (1st floor) Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art (1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell u. 1.)
The screening will be followed by a discussion with the director, led by Krisztina Szipőcs, art historian.
Between dream and wakefulness there is an area where things do not belong to dreams yet, but they are still not real completely. Here travels Tom Tomiczky getting through from one story to another, being the hero of poetic, burlesque, surreal or dreadful tales, visiting Monte Carlo, Karlsruhe, Venice or Japan. What is the aim of his journey? The travel itself, which therefore never ends.
Four years in the making, and a labour of love for Hungarian director Tamas Waliczky, this 41 minute animated piece is seemingly autobiographical in nature. Working via email with numerous collaborators from overseas to whom he gave free artistic reign, the creative process was as adventurous as the hero’s tales; an organic method with no time frame or story board. In this film Waliczky has created an alternative and distinct aesthetic, one that reveals how poetic, mysterious and humorous the modern world can be.
Born in Budapest, Hungary in 1959, Tamas Waliczky made his first animated film at the age of nine. With experience in painting, illustrating, photography and filmmaking, it was in 1983 that he began working in “new media” using computers. Since then he has won the prestigious Golden Nica at Prix Ars Electronica in 1989 and participated in major exhibitions all over the world including at Pompidou Centre and the Ludwig Museum in Budapest.
He was artist-in-residence at the ZKM Institute for Visual Media in Karlsruhe and IAMAS in Gifu, Japan. Prior to joining CityU School of Creative Media in 2010 he was Professor at HBK Saar, Saarbrucken, and FH Mainz.
A preview of the film at Tamás Waliczky`s homepage
The video version, 41min.
Master: High Definition (1920x1080) digital video
Written and Directed by Tamás Waliczky
Artistic Advisor: Anna Szepesi
Producers: György Czabán, Csilla Gyori, György Pálos, KVB
Animators: Tamás Waliczky, Taruto Fuyama, Llászló Kiss, Marc Hankel, Gergely Szabó
Modellers: Áron Jancsó, András Czifra, Csanád Szirják, Tamás Waliczky, Gerhard Funk
Music: Katrin Scherer & Sven Decker, U.F.O. unidentified flying orchestra, Green Deer Music, Used by Permission.
Motion Capture: Zoltán Bathó, László Domján, Dávid Écsi, 3D Brigade Hungary, Inc.
Motion-Capture Actors: Tamás Waliczky, Anna Szepesi, Annamari Waliczky
Special thanks to: Beate Garmer, András Kárpáti, Bernd Lintermann, László Haris, György Pálos, Annamari Waliczky
Supported by the Motion Picture Public Foundation of Hungary, Wallada Bioscop Kft., HBK Saar
Copyright © 2011 by Tamás Waliczky & Anna Szepesi
Admission is free.