Leopold Bloom Award 2011: exhibition of the shortlisted artists

16. November, 2005, 00:00–00:00
16. November, 2005
Not visitable by annual pass

John Ward, the founder of the Leopold Bloom Art Award and ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange cordially invites you to the exhibition of the artists shortlisted for the Leopold Bloom Art Award

The exhibition will be on view in the Museum Kiscell - Municipal Picture Gallery between August 20 - September 4, 2011.

Address: H-1037 Budapest, Kiscelli utca 108.

Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 10.00 - 18.00 (closed on Mondays)

Shortlisted artists
The Jury of The Leopold Bloom Art Award – Caroline Hancock (independent curator and art critique, Great Britain), Alice Maher (visual artist, Ireland), Andrzej Szczerski (art historian and curator, Poland) – preselected 6 artists for the finalists’ exhibition.

The shortlisted artists are:
Zsombor Barakonyi
Róbert Batykó
Csaba Kis Róka
Attila Szűcs
Agnes von Uray
Júlia Vécsei

The Leopold Bloom Art Award is aimed at supporting progressive contemporary visual artists in Hungary and their presence in the international art scene. The Award will be granted for the first time in 2011. It does not only go to support the work of the awarded artist, but also helps in the successful realization of the winner’s international exhibition.

The Leopold Bloom Art Award is realised in co-operation between the Maurice Ward Group (Ireland) and ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange.

More information and interviews with the artists: www.leopoldbloomaward.com.