Auditorium, 1st floor

CONFERENCE: In Pursuit of the Iparterv-Phenomenon

It was fifty years ago that the paradigmatic exhibitions Iparterv I (1968) and Iparterv II (1969) took place. Apropos of the anniversary, Ludwig Museum organizes a conference entitled In Pursuit of the Iparterv-phenomenon and round-table talks.

Book launch and roundtable discussion related to the exhibition: Common Affairs

The publication presents the programmes implemented during the four-year CAPP project, and also deals with relevant museum pedagogical and other museum-related aspects of the projects. Zsolt Szijártó, Sociologist and Cultural Researcher, had been following the implementation of the projects, and evaluated the works via devising professional criteria.

MAPS 2018 Media Art Presevation Workshop - Born Digital

In the past years, Ludwig Museum Budapest has made a considerable effort to provide preservation and collection care for media-based artworks. “MAPS” a symposium on media conservation specifically intended for professionals was a major milestone to reach this goal in 2015.

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