Past Continuous. A Ludwig Museum exhibition in the Serbian capital

14. May, 2015–22.
14. May, 2015–22.

A Selection of Works from the Video Collection of the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art Budapest
Venue: Collegium Hungaricum, Belgrade, Serbia

Video is seen today as a means of expression equal in rank with the traditional media of the visual arts. The recording of still and moving images has turned into an everyday practice, a skill to be acquired just like writing and reading; likewise, the reception and interpretation of moving images have become a part of our daily routine. As a result, video art is one of the most dynamically developing art forms in terms of visual language and technique.
Video has assumed a number of functions that were fulfilled by art in earlier times (dissemination of knowledge, a source of delight, social criticism, elaboration of history, etc.), mediating such content for the audiences in a highly effective manner. The new technological possibilities opening up day by day to artists offer opportunities for exploring and elaborating the past. The Ludwig Museum’s collection affords a comprehensive view of the major trends of video art, as well as revealing the specific Eastern European traits of this art form and making it possible for visitors to relive the common past and recent historical events.
In 1997, Ludwig Museum Budapest purchased its first installation that also comprised moving images, more precisely, video. Today the Museum houses over 70 videos, films and video installations. The video collection was presented for the first time in 2008 as an independent thematic exhibition entitled, All That Cinema.
The present show seeks to present this young field of contemporary art and the video collection of the Ludwig Museum to the widest possible audience. At the same time, it aims at familiarising visitors with Hungarian and international contemporary art, along with all the themes these works mediate.

The curatorial selection has been made by art historian Anna Bálványos.

Sponsor: Nemzeti Kulturális Alap