(1983 – )

The IRWIN Group was founded in 1983 by Dušan Mandič (b. 1954, Ljubljana), Miran Mohar (b. 1958, Novo Mesto), Andrej Savski (b. 1961, Ljubljana), Roman Uranjek (b. 1961, Trbovlje) és Borut Vogelnik (b. 1959, Kranj). In 1984-ben the IRWIN Group was a founding member of NSK (Neue Slowenische Kunst). They have participated in numerous international exhibitions, including the Venice Biennale in 1993 and 2003, as well as Manifesta 1 in Rotterdam in 1996. In 1996, following its showings in Ljubljana and Munich, IRWIN presented their installation entitled, Interior of the Planit. A retrospective exhibition of their works was organised in 2004 by the Museum of Contemporary Art (Muzej savremene umetnosti), Belgrade, Serbia.

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