Art Mediators

Attention! Art Mediators in the exhibition rooms!

We are building bridges between contemporary art and the visitors of our museum.

The team of the Ludwig Museum broadened with new volunteers, who help visitors to navigate amongst the artworks of our temporary exhibitions. They are young people with diverse qualifications: economist, egyptologist, art manager, journalist, design manager - presenting a most colorful group of people. They do have, however, one thing in common: susceptibility to contemporary art. If you have any questions about the works, the artists or even about the curator’s concept, while you’re looking around, or you wish to get information before you start your walk, do not hesitate to ask. Find them in the exhibition hall, and they will gladly help you!

What is their task?
•    to help to interpret the artworks
•    to inform the public about the museum’s programs
•    to have discussions, on request, about contemporary art
•    to forward the viewers' opinions and requests to the museum

Art Mediators - KULISZ Diána, RÓZSA Renáta, FÜLÖP Luca - are located on the 1st floor, in temporary exhibition Gábor Záborszky: Fugues. Guida – Riposta – Repercussio. 1976-2015.

You can recognize them by their name cards!

Our art mediators await visitors
on Fridays, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., as well as 3 and 7 p.m.
on Thursdays, between 4 and 8 p.m. (Attention! On Thursday 25 February 2016 art mediators will be available until only 6 p.m.)