Docent – Esti beszélgetések a kortárs műgyűjtésről – angol nyelvű előadás-sorozat 5. Műgyűjtők

2008. december 2. 0.00–00.00
2008. december 2.
Bérlettel nem látogatható

GREAT COLLECTORS and Great Collections – Art Communications and Management Advisor, Attila Ledényi

“Collecting art, call it what you will, a sickness, a crass materialism, an obsession, a passion, or mission?” Adam Lindemann.

We will explore case studies of Corporate and Private Collections in Hungary and foreign collections invested in Hungarian work.

By, Art Communications and Management Advisor, Attila Ledényi, with our special guest, art collector, László GERŐ, sharing his passion for collecting contemporary with us.

All sessions held in ENGLISH.

Admission is HUF 2000 per session. Includes exhibition entrance (docents free).
