Zguro, Fani: Untitled (21) (2007)

vintage, black-and-white photograph, mixed media
Gift of the artist, 2018

The photos belonged to Fani Zguro’s father, who is present on most of them, still young. On each of the photos, made during Enver Hoxha’s dictatorship, the face of the person standing next to him has been made unrecognizable: the surface was willingly mutilated. These erased people were among those detained at some time by the Albanian authorities, becoming politically uncomfortable citizens to friends, families. Had the photos fallen into the wrong hands, if the men were identified, it would have been a serious threat to Zguro’s father. Erasing people from photos was a sort of unwritten law, creating hundreds and thousands of non-existent lives deliberately rubbed out from visual history – interestingly the practice was applied to failed love affairs, broken marriages, and betrayed friendships as well. B.K.