Fluxus East – Fluxus Networks in Central Eastern Europe

18. April, 2008 – 28. May
18. April, 2008 – 28. May

Fluxus is well-known as an (anti-)artistic, international network with centres in the USA, Western Europe and Japan. But what about this “intermedia” art ‒ art encompassing music, actions, poetry, objects and events ‒ beyond the “Iron Curtain”? What echo did Fluxus find in the states of the former Eastern Bloc, and what parallel developments existed there? Fluxus East represents a first stocktaking of the diverse Fluxus activities in the former Eastern Bloc; the exhibition shows parallel developments and artistic practices inspired by Fluxus, which are still adopted by some young artists today. As an interactive exhibition, Fluxus East aims to facilitate a profound encounter with ideas, works and texts.
The exhibition is being produced by the Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin.