From Paper Image to 3D, Digital camera obscura

24. November, 2007, 00:00–00:00
24. November, 2007
Not visitable by annual pass

From Paper Image to 3D

Photographic experiments

in 8 lessons

For 12-16 year olds, 1 to 3 p.m.

For adults, 3 to 5 p.m.

“Thinking” photography: taking a picture is more than equipment and exposure of the scene, frozen in rectangles. A knowledge of creative devices lets you experiment with the artistic idiom of photography, rather than just with technique.

Digital Camera Obscura

Selection and documentation of pictures taken during the course

(László Moholy-Nagy, György Kepes)

Led by Miklós Bölcskey, media artist

The course will start up with a minimum of 8 applicants.

Information and applications: Rita Farkas

Tel: +36 1 1 555 3478

e-mail: farkas.rita@lumu
