Ped.Tuesday - All that theatre

4. March, 2008, 00:00–00:00
4. March, 2008
Not visitable by annual pass

-KoMa Company performs the piece titled Plasma by László Garaczi.

-After the performance there is an open talk about the pieces with the artists.

-Theatre in the Museum and in the School. Possibilities for Drama-pedagogy in the Museum -- roundtable discussion. Guests: Krisztina Varga, Ilona Tarkó, and Emőke Mise

-Within the spaces of the "artes"; inbetween disciplines. Micro-analyses of pieces from the LUMU collection.

The pieces to be closely observed include works by El Kazovszkij

Series by Katalin Cserjés, art commentator

Venue: exhibition halls, and the Neon Studio
