IPUT: Subsist.Ence Level St.Andard Project 1984 W<br/>(or This is what has become of the unicell)

1 February 2013

Door opening: 28 February 2013. 18:30 pm

The International Parallel Union of Telecommunications
(IPUT) was founded in 1968 under the cover-name
Parallel Course / Study-Track by Tamás St.Turba,
trust.ee in bankruptcy of IPUT, (in 1966, under the name
Szenytyóby, he was the initiator of the Happening &
Environment in Hungary, and in 2001, under the name
St.Auby, he established the NETRAF /Neo-Socialist
Realist IPUT’s Global Counter Art History Falsifiers
Front/ of which he has since been an agent).

“[…] The aim of IPUT is to catalyze Myth-correction.

[…] Only the application of the Saint Heterarchy:
the constitutionally disbursed Subsistence
Allocation redistributed at the expense of the military
budget for those participating in the Mythical St.Rike
can ensure the functioning and fulfillment of the myth:
the development of Free Will: the termination of the
subordination of women, of the painful labor of giving
birth, of the enticement of progeny to overconsumption,
and of work: of physical immortality (see: Gen. 3:1-24).
Down with Original Punishment! We demand Amnesty!

[…] According to the Pop-Solipsistic Paragraph 2
of the 24. Canton Constitution – “I am the cause of
everything!” – in the course of the materialization of
the given myth’s inherent extra mythical platform,
we can only extricate ourselves from the Mythical
Blockade through the practical application of mutual
heterarchical transcendence of the degenerated
creationist and the aberrant evolutionist circles of
myth actualized as the outcome of the dichotomy
of good and bad.

[…] St.Rike – by definition – was announced
between Gen. 3:1-24. This obscure zone is the
theo/logical connection between the sweaty cause
and the deadly effect. St.Rike as such is an
aesthetic-ethical operation performed on the deformed
body of the ruling Myth. […]” (IPUT Manifesto).

”[…] In the 1960s, with the help of the groundwork
done by the Incoherents, the Dadaists, the Futurists,
the Surrealists, the Situationists, etc. the Marxist
aesthetic revolution understood in the Beuysian
sense broke out: the iconoclastic public, which had
achieved self-consciousness, seized the tools of artistic
production, which had been the private property of
iconolatric artists and their institutional promoters,
and, restructuring them according to its own, direct
needs, also the process, goals, and distribution of
collective artistic production: the work of art as a piece
of merchandise ceased to exist, and in its place came
the demand for Universal Subsistence Allocation.
Although the iconolatric counterrevolution has since
inevitably won back, in the falseness of consciousness
and the reality of the market, its positions, which were
not wholly demolished, the message of the intermedial
new testament cannot yet be entirely forgotten. […]”
(Anna Stomosis: Intermedia and Interaction, 2000).

Additional non-art-art material:

catholic M. Duchamp + protestant G. Brecht =
St.Rike as Shabbat, Wei Wu Wei, that is, Fallow.





“Do you agree that a Universal Subsistence
Allocation is better than nothing?”